Sistemul LOTUS III™ este un laser Er:YAG 2940nm versatil oferind cadrelor medicale flexibilitate prin setări și moduri de tratament pentru o varietate largă de afecțiuni ale pielii. În special, modurile de operare de 40us și 5ms permit abordări sigure în tratamentul pielii cu comfort crescut și timp minim de refacere pentru pacienți.
Alegerea între moduri de tratament cu impulsuri ultra-scurte sau ultra-lungi permit controlul riguros a procesului de ablație "la rece", ceea ce reduce riscurile de inflamație post-tratament sau efecte secundare ca hiperpigmentarea (PIH).
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Parametrii de tratament ultra-versatile, combinat cu ratele ridicate de repetiție ale LOTUS III™ pot elimina o gamă largă de leziuni epidermice prin ablație la rece și, în același timp, este capabil să coaguleze țesutul folosind efectul termic cu modul de puls ultra-lung la durata pulsului de 5ms. Versatilitatea LOTUS III™ oferă multe setări și moduri de operare diferite pentru un plan de tratament personalizat pentru diferite indicații cu timp de recuperare scurt și disconfort minim.
LOTUS III™ features LASEROPTEK’s proprietary Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) fractional beam technology. This DOE fractional handpiece delivers uniform fluence and energy across all the beams in the fractional array, resulting in equal distribution of energy into the skin. This equal distribution enables uniform skin ablation with a significantly decreased risk of burns and post-inflammatory hyper- and hypo- pigmentation.
LASEROPTEK’s fractional technology enables laser energy to penetrate the dermis where it stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin. Patients experience remarkable improvement of fine lines, rhytids, acne scarring, and reduction in pore size.
The combination of 40µs Ultra Short and 5ms Ultra Long Pulse modes in a single device and treatment provides physicians with the tools to create a flexible environment to treat a wider range of skin indications. The multiple modes to choose from all focus on physician convenience and patient satisfaction.
Mod puls Ultra-scurt (USP)
Also referred to as “Cold Ablation,” LOTUS III’s Ultra-Short Pulse Mode (USP) performs deep ablations utilizing a 40µs pulse duration minimizing heat damage to tissue by accurately controlling thermal energy. This results in less pain and undesired side effects. Cold Ablation can also be used for rhytid reduction and highlights the flexibility LOTUS III provides clinicians to tailor treatments by delivering optimal energy where it is needed. This flexibility expands clinical treatment offerings.
Ablație tegumen precis cu leziune termică redusă
Mod puls Ultra-lung (ULP)
LOTUS III’s Ultra-Long Pulse Mode (ULP) is utilized for the promotion of skin reproduction by delivering thermal energy deep into the dermis designed to stimulate aged skin cells. Equipped with a fractional handpiece, ULP mode achieves a maximized coagulation effect by performing shallow ablation with a strong thermal effect using 5ms pulse duration. And due to its even and uniform irradiation of energy, ULP Mode reduces unnecessary thermal damage to target and surrounding regions while boosting the effectiveness of treatments.